
Doh!! PR lagi.. PR lagi... kenapa sih harus ada PR.. kenapa yaaa ada yang namanya Tagging?? *padahal gw juga suka gitu lo*

Dikasih PR ama Mardee nehhh.. busedd dah.. bahasa Inggris booo... Tapi gue balasnya pake bahasa Indo ya... maaf.. lagi malas :)

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Kepala 3! Tunggu udah mandiri dulu deh..

2.If you can turn into anything, what do you wish you can turn into?
Nope! Udah seneng gue dengan diri gue sekarang..

3.If you were stranded on an desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why?
Doh sapa yaa.. Dundhee, Steve, Ise.. Karena itu aja yang gw kenal.. yang lainnya bagaikan meraba pasir... *hahahaha*

4.Where is the place that you want to go most?
BALI!! Pengen pulangg...

5.If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
Keluarga yang bener-bener bahagia, secara gue udah mapan kerja..

6.Who is in your mind right now?
All my Family.. MISS THEM ALL!!

7.What are you afraid to lose the most right now?

8.Do you want your first born child to be a girl or boy? Why?
Boy. biar ganteng kayak papanya.. :))

9.If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
Confess laa.. namanya juga CINTA

10.List out three good things of the person who tagged you.
Mardee.. Orangnya keknya pendiam *bener gak sih?* bisa tenang gitu.. Padahal gue tau kerjaannya, tapi dia tetep sante *tapi tetep serius*. Taat agama (ini nih yang gw suka banget ama dia). Rajin update blog.. *sampe blognya berat beneeuuurr*

11. What colour do you like? Why?
Green and blue.. its so fresh!

12.What type of person do you hate the most?
yang ga bisa pegang janji, omdo..

13.What would you do if you won a million dollars?
buat radio, bangun rumah kek the sims..!

14.What is your ambition?
cari kerja.. IP bagus..

15.What would you wanna be after you're dead?
wong dah mati, bisa apa lagi..??

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
Males sama panikan..

17.What would you most want to achieve right now?
Kerjaa... motor..

18.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Friends, Luck, and whatever..

19. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
gak sekong lagi... hahaha. :)

20. Among all the questions asked, which one do u like most? Why?
Semua deh... except 19.. itu kidding poll

Oh iya.. tagged ini gue kasih ke Dundhee, Elmo, Hans, Steve, ama Icha! Secara cuman mereka yang gue kenalll... hihiihih.. :)


dundhee said...

aarrrggggghhhh.. banyak banget mbakkk... huaaaahhhh... baiklah..saya akan berusaha mengisinya...



Ika Devita Susanti said...

kyaaaa... dareng2 ada PR dari danie.. bentar yah... icha kerjain pelan2..soalnya lagi mules nih..wakakka

Mardee W said...

makasih Dan, udah dikerjakan PRnya..